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Foothills Forage and Grazing Association operates on the hard work of our volunteers, staff, and the continued financial support from Alberta Agriculture & Forestry, Results Driven Agriculture Research, ARECA and our corporate and county sponsors.

ARECA-Logo-Full Color.jpg

Corporate Partners

Gold Partners

Beef Illutrated 2022.jpeg
livestock gentec pdf.jpg
AB Beef Mag Logo.png

Silver Parners

Beefbooster LOGO FINAL FINAL (002).jpg
blue rock 2022.png

County Sponsors

Kneehill County Logo White Background PN
Wheatland Ag Env Concept Logo FINAL.png
county of newell.jpg
Mountain View.JPG
RVC_3 Col_CMYK_Stacked.jpg
md of willow creek.png
Starland County.jpg

2024 Corporate Partner Program


The Foothills Forage and Grazing Association is a non-profit organization that has been dedicated to assisting producers in regenerative and profitable forage and grazing production for the past 49 years. FFGA’s objective is to be instrumental in the transfer of quality information within the industry including corporations, government, and producers across twelve municipalities. The partnerships we form through FFGA’s Corporate Sponsor Program enable FFGA to better fulfil our objectives. The Corporate Sponsor Program is for companies, partnerships, or corporations who wish to be identified as supporting FFGA and was designed to meet objectives of promoting your business in a highly visible manner for the respective year.


Gold Partner $2,000: 

Gold corporate sponsors receive recognition with their logo displayed in our monthly newsletter, on our website and at FFGA seminars, schools, tours and events. The website logo will be linked to the corporation’s website. Gold sponsors will be able to submit one full-page advertisement or two half-page advertisements as well as one, one-page article for the FFGA newsletter per year.  Gold Sponsors will receive 1 webinar in partnership with FFGA annually and be highlighted on social media to our 4,000 followers in one post annually.  One representative is invited to attend all FFGA events and set up a booth (event logistics allowing).


Silver Partner $1,000:

Silver corporate sponsors receive recognition with their logo displayed in our monthly newsletter, on our website and at FFGA seminars, schools, tours and events. The website logo will be linked to the corporation’s website. Silver sponsors will be able to submit one half-page advertisement for the FFGA newsletter per year. Silver Sponsors will receive 1 webinar in partnership with FFGA annually. One representative is invited to attend two FFGA events and set up a booth (event logistics allowing).  

Annual Event Partner $600:

Annual event sponsors will be invited to attend all FFGA events at this flat rate throughout the year and set up a booth (event logistics allowing). 

Event Lunch Partner $500:

An event lunch sponsor is recognized at a specific FFGA event. The sponsor is invited to give a 15–30-minute presentation at the event as well as have a booth set up with any hand-outs, advertising, or products they wish to share (event logistics allowing). Their logo will be included on any event advertising, agendas and/or or other handouts for that event.

Coffee/ Webinar Partner $250:

Coffee sponsors will receive logo recognition at the coffee and snack station and on the event material at the FFGA event of their choosing.  Webinars, 30-90 minutes in length will be planned in coordination with FFGA to bring educational, pertinent information to FFGA members with the sponsoring corporation having 10 minutes during the webinar to share corporate content.  FFGA will advertise the live webinar to our members and partners through our newsletter, social media and other channels. Webinars will be recorded and made available on the FFGA website for 60 days following the webinar.  FFGA reserves the right to ensure the content fits the FFGA mandate.

We thank you for your consideration of the Corporate Partner Program for the Foothills Forage and Grazing Association and your commitment to the agriculture industry and community!

To become a sponsor fill out the PDF and contact Laura at:


2024 Newsletter Advertising


1/8 Page (4.25" x 2.75")

1/8 page advertisement or article/per month: $200


1/4 Page (4.25" x 5.5")

1/4 page advertisement or article/per month: $275


1/2 Page (8.5" x 5.5")

1/2 page advertisement or article/per month: $350


Full Page (8.5" x 11")

1 page advertisement or article/per month: $475

Reconciliation with logo

displayed in monthly newsletter & on our website with link to your website for the year: $250

Newsletter advertisements must be designed in advance. Advertisement design services can be requested and cost will be determined by amount of work necessary to design. Submissions are to be emailed to in .jpg, .png or .pdf format before the 15th of the month prior to the monthly edition it is to be displayed in.


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