Creating Excellent Pastures From the Soil Up
I think we all have our vision of what makes an excellent pasture. We see a thick stand where nearly all the ground is covered by...

Managing Drought-Stressed Pastures
Recently, a panel of range and pasture experts offered four steps they're advising pasture managers to implement this spring. 1. Manage...

The Challenges of Growing Quality Forages
Perception that forages are too weather-dependent or that producers plant one year and leave them alone for three must be challenged. The...

Frost Seeding - A Cheap Alternative
Introduction Frost seeding is an economical method of improving pasture and hay fields by broadcasting the seed on frozen ground. As the...

Is It Residual or Is It Residue?
A lot of people in grazing circles seem to use these terms interchangeably, but in grazing science they mean two very different things....

Profit Per Cow or Per Acre?
Photo Credit: Lee Gunderson If we focus on profit per acre, there will be a tendency to seek the right-sized cow for our environment and...

Everything Shelterbelts
A shelterbelt is a barrier of trees or shrubs. The term “field shelterbelt” is used to distinguish between rows of trees or shrubs on...

Understanding the Intensive in Intensive Grazing
Management-intensive grazing and other intensive grazing systems have been promoted for quite a few years but what does the word...