Cocktail Blends Provide Fall Grazing
For many farmers in the grain and beef production regions of the U.S., the planting season ends when the last of the seed wheat or corn...

Profit Per Cow or Per Acre?
Photo Credit: Lee Gunderson If we focus on profit per acre, there will be a tendency to seek the right-sized cow for our environment and...

Everything Shelterbelts
A shelterbelt is a barrier of trees or shrubs. The term “field shelterbelt” is used to distinguish between rows of trees or shrubs on...

Hay Management Tips
- The most important single factor affecting hay quality is the stage of maturity at cutting. Young, vegetative forage is higher in...

How to Measure Moisture Content in Forage Using a Microwave
I have been getting lots of questions about measuring the moisture content of a hay crop prior to baling. The moisture content needs to...

Summer Seeding Oats & Oat-Pea Mixes
Summer seeding annual forages can be a useful low-cost option for producing extra feed, either as an emergency forage or a regular...

Understanding the Intensive in Intensive Grazing
Management-intensive grazing and other intensive grazing systems have been promoted for quite a few years but what does the word...