Forages & Grasslands: How They Contribute to the Preservation of Biodiversity
In the earliest theoretical literature on market economy, land is often cited as the only real source of wealth as it was the sole...

Cover Crops as Forage for Beef Cattle
Cover Crops are planted with intent to build and improve the soil but what should you watch out for when grazing these crops?...

Opportunities for Cover Crops in Shorter Growing Seasons
In recent years, cover crops have gained popularity throughout many parts of the nation. Much research has been done evaluating their use...

Forages: Fertility Management
Forage stands require attention when it comes to fertility management. Check out OMAFRA's article on advice and recommendations for...

May the Forage Be With You & Your Herd
DUC/CPS forage program offers financial break for grassland conversions (Jan. 25, 2017—Camrose, Alta.) On land not so far away, farmers...

Let Cattle do the Seeding
Cattle can be managed to produce calves, beef and milk, but can they also be put to work re-seeding pastures? The palatable black seed...

Reproduction & Grazing Were Designed for Each Other
For optimum energy utilization, the cows' reproductive cycle should coincide with the grass production cycle A study from the United...

How to Measure Moisture Content in Forage Using a Microwave
I have been getting lots of questions about measuring the moisture content of a hay crop prior to baling. The moisture content needs to...