Cover Crops as Forage for Beef Cattle
Cover Crops are planted with intent to build and improve the soil but what should you watch out for when grazing these crops?...

3 Ways to Achieve a 266% ROI with Cover Crops
Rulon Enterprises in Indiana shares how cover crops free up fertility, increase yields and improve soil health, providing a...

Opportunities for Cover Crops in Shorter Growing Seasons
In recent years, cover crops have gained popularity throughout many parts of the nation. Much research has been done evaluating their use...

Grain Truck or Cattle Truck, Which One Should I Load?
The increase in beef cows requires utilization of cropland. Land use is embedded in long-term thinking and the individual desires of...

Economics of Soil Loss
Economics of soil loss Soil health is vital, but soil loss is paramount because you’re losing 15 bushels per acre/year worth of corn....

Crops for Cover Crop Cocktails
The following is a list of crops commonly used for cover crop cocktails and the pros and cons of each plant: LEGUMES Berseem Clover -...

Cocktail Blends Provide Fall Grazing
For many farmers in the grain and beef production regions of the U.S., the planting season ends when the last of the seed wheat or corn...

Summer Seeding Oats & Oat-Pea Mixes
Summer seeding annual forages can be a useful low-cost option for producing extra feed, either as an emergency forage or a regular...