Get more bang from your nitrogen buck
If you cut your nitrogen by 80% tomorrow, would you expect your production to drop? Of course it would… if you did nothing else....
In Search of Fescue
No story about ranching would be complete without mention of two elements, generically unrelated yet closely coupled to ranching’s origin...
Cover Crops as Forage for Beef Cattle
Cover Crops are planted with intent to build and improve the soil but what should you watch out for when grazing these crops?...
Do Cows Produce the Most Methane?
By weight, no cattle do not produce the most methane. Insects do. There are a variety of insects, that also have methanogens in their...
Green Grass & Newborn Calves a Perfect Match
Assisting a cow with her calf is much nicer when the weather is pleasant — and matching calving season with the onset of green grass...
3 Ways to Achieve a 266% ROI with Cover Crops
Rulon Enterprises in Indiana shares how cover crops free up fertility, increase yields and improve soil health, providing a...
Seedbed Preparation for Incorporating Legumes
There are many advantages to incorporating legumes into pastures. The following excerpts highlight those advantages as well as how to...
Opportunities for Cover Crops in Shorter Growing Seasons
In recent years, cover crops have gained popularity throughout many parts of the nation. Much research has been done evaluating their use...
The Challenges of Growing Quality Forages
Perception that forages are too weather-dependent or that producers plant one year and leave them alone for three must be challenged. The...
Grain Truck or Cattle Truck, Which One Should I Load?
The increase in beef cows requires utilization of cropland. Land use is embedded in long-term thinking and the individual desires of...
Forages: Fertility Management
Forage stands require attention when it comes to fertility management. Check out OMAFRA's article on advice and recommendations for...
5 Forage Establishment Mistakes to Avoid
It’s springtime and we are anxious to get on the land and get our new forage seedings in the ground. There are a few common mistakes made...
Enjoying the Little Things - Soil Microbiology
Soil microbes provide billions and billions of teeny helping hands to your crops. Those helping hands are key to sustainable, profitable...
Economics of Soil Loss
Economics of soil loss Soil health is vital, but soil loss is paramount because you’re losing 15 bushels per acre/year worth of corn....
There's a Spreadsheet for That
There’s a spreadsheet that can do that. Provincial farm management staffs have developed tools for everything from converting bushels to...